The Board of Directors is in charge of the overall strategic management of NunaMinerals, while the Executive Board and the senior employees are responsible for the day-to-day operations and the implementation of the company's strategic and financial targets.
The Board of Directors of NunaMinerals has defined a number of general, overall requirements for the qualifications and experience that should be represented on the Board for it to conduct the overall management of the company and control and act as an effective sounding board for the Executive Board, all in a satisfactory manner.
NunaMinerals is an expanding company with an exciting and attractive project portfolio. Several projects are in the late stages of development and a number of early-stage projects are progressing well.
In order to ensure a healthy and controlled development of NunaMinerals, the Board of Directors believes that it must possess formal skills and experience within the following areas:
The Board of Directors believes that it is broadly based and satisfies the defined requirements for the benefit of the company’s shareholders.
To ensure that the qualifications of the Board of Directors are always consistent with the company’s needs, the work of the Board of Directors is subject to an annual review and evaluation which also includes mapping out the skills and qualifications required on the Board in relation to the company’s expected developments.
In the recruitment of new Board members, the Board of Directors aims to
identify candidates who can further strengthen the qualifications of the Board of Directors in respect of the defined requirements.